Copycon roundup #6 - What’s in a name?

I'm still here with the #CopyConX posts.... presentation number 6 was the dynamic duo of Orlaith Wood and Jamie Thorp who provided some eye-opening insights into the concept of Naming Things!

Now, as a copywriter I've actually never really been involved in naming projects, so I took plenty of notes in case it's something that ever crops up (It's a string I'd like to add to my copywriting bow actually).

But they were right when they said, we all name things every day. Whether it's renaming the remote control "the remote" (clearly I was lacking in creativity the day I came up with that), referring to anything we've forgotten the name of as the "whatsit" or the "oojamaflip" or naming our business (Wicked Creative), pets (We have a Horsfield tortoise called Rex, a name that I alone picked) or kids (I was off my face on pain relief so I would have agreed to call them pretty much anything, but my kids are named Olivia and Roman!), we've all assigned names to things, sometimes without even realising it.

Some of the key points I noted down from their presentation include:

"Your name will never matter as much as it does at the moment of conception"

"A name crumbles without context"


"The most powerful and interesting names can seem weird at first"

As I say, I've never worked on a client naming project before, but I'd love to give it a try so if you're willing to take a chance on my weird, creative brain, drop me a message!


Copycon Roundup #7 - translating client feedback


Copycon roundup #5 - how to generate fresh ideas