Hashtag piggybacking: what is it and how can it help your digital campaign?

If you've been around the digital scene a while, you could be forgiven for thinking that hashtags are a bit over by now. After all, they've actually been around for a whopping 17 years *gulp*

Nevertheless, hashtags have stood the test of time and are still an extremely powerful tool for expanding the reach of your social media posts and promoting your content. Nowhere is this clearer than in online campaigns.

Creating branded hashtags is probably the most important thing you can do for any sort of campaign - both in terms of boosting your content and for monitoring its performance. Branded hashtags are unique to your organisation or campaign - think #Movember or #Stoptober. So getting it right is crucial.

But there's also another way to optimise hashtag use - hashtag piggybacking.

Hashtag piggybacking is pretty much what you'd expect from the name. It's where you jump on another popular hashtag that is an industry trending keyword or a campaign that is associated with YOUR campaign in some way, and using those hashtags in your own posts. Doing this...

- Helps your organisation to join trending topics
- Boots your contents visibility
- Adds additional context to your posts
- Puts your posts in front of people who are already interested in similar topics
- Makes you more discoverable
- Puts your organisation in the midde of the conversation
- Gives you the opportunity to build your own community

I've successfully used hashtag piggybacking to boost several digital campaigns I've helped to design, develop and run. Want to find out more? Drop me an email


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