HPV Vaccine: Not just for girls!

Almost 2 years ago to the day, I appeared on Channel 5 news talking about the HPV vaccine - something I feel very strongly about due to my own experience with cervical cancer when I was just 29 years old.

If you don't already know, the HPV vaccine is designed to protect against Human Papillomavirus - a sexually-transmitted disease that causes cancer and other serious diseases. It's most often associated with cervical cancer, and that's because 95% of cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV.

Unfortunately, this association often leads people to believe that the HPV vaccine is only for girls.

WRONG! The HPV vaccine has been made available to boys since September 2019. Unfortunately, a lack of information has meant that many parents and boys don't realise the importance of getting this vaccine when it's offered*.

1️⃣ Boys can get HPV and spread it to partners through unprotected sex. This means that by getting the vaccine they can help protect women from cervical cancer in the future. Studies show that if you are vaccinated before being exposed to the virus (hence the age that they offer the jab) the HPV vaccine is 97% effective at preventing cervical cancer and cell changes that could lead to cancer.

2️⃣ The HPV vaccine protects against 90% of HPV strains that cause genital warts, another common sexually-transmitted disease.

3️⃣ It can also protect against cancer of the vulva, vagina, penis or anus caused by HPV.

4️⃣ And many people are surprised to learn that the HPV vaccine can protect against mouth, throat, head and neck cancers caused by HPV.

My son Roman is 13 and had the first HPV vaccine shot at the start of this year. I was dismayed at the lack of information provided to parents about the importance of the vaccine, particularly where boys are concerned. I had several conversations with other mums who had no idea that the boys were recommended to have it too. As a result, in 2024 I'm looking into producing my own accessible information which I hope I can persuade local schools to use to help increase understanding and uptake of this life-saving vaccine.

Did you know that the HPV vaccine isn't just for girls?
Read more on the Jabs for the Boys website

* The HPV vaccine is offered to girls and boys in school year 8. It used to take place in 2 doses, but from September 2023 is available in a single dose.


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